I started this firm to do one thing: Transform research leaders into public experts.

Because there’s great research. And then there’s what decision makers and much of the world still want: your expertise and research-driven insights, applied to the problems they need solved.

I’ve guided hundreds of scientists and researchers to improve their communications games and strategies over the past 25 years.

And if I’ve learned one thing from that work: Just communicating your research isn’t enough any more—not as the challenges of the world rage on.

The most creative researcher leaders want their expertise and insights to make maximum impact. For the world, for their organizations or institutions, and for their careers.

That’s why I created Science+Story. Through it, I guide research leaders and their organizations to do more than just communicate research. I’ve helped them find, frame and express their unique solutions, insights and early warning signals to the stakeholders who need to hear them.

The world isn’t about just communications anymore, or occasional thought leadership (if it ever was). It’s about gathering the communities you want to help around your public expertise, leading and learning from them. That’s the new work of public experts. And it’s the mission of Science+Story.

—Bob Lalasz, Science+Story



“Bob is more than my content coach, he’s my astute advisor—the person I trust uniquely to keep me effective in my communications and growing in my reach. I value that Bob challenges me to be better: He will tell me when I’m wrong, call out when my work isn’t my best, and push me to have bolder, broader impact. Of all the resources in my leadership quiver, Bob stands out as THE individual who gave me the tools and skills to expand my reach by an order of magnitude.”

- TISHA SCHULLER, Founder & CEO, Adamantine Energy


Nature Magazine had just asked Rose to submit an important opinion piece ahead of COP 27—but she was having trouble honing its focus. Find out how I helped.